Pregnancy Health

While most mamas are busy preparing the nursery and picking out baby names, they often forget to make their health a priority.

Pregnancy is a super exciting time, but also ridden with anxiety, uncertainty and many unknowns. With all of the decisions you have to make over the course of your pregnancy, determining what to eat shouldn’t be such a confusing one.

Proper nutrition is essential for both mom and baby. To support the growth of your baby and prevent the depletion of your nutrient reserves, it is crucial to nutritionally prepare your body and mind for pregnancy.

By choosing proper nourishment through whole foods, you may reduce your risk of:

  • morning (all day) sickness

  • excessive fatigue

  • unhealthy weight gain

  • constipation + chronic bloating

  • heartburn + indigestion

  • preeclampsia

  • gestational diabetes

  • anemia

  • postpartum anxiety

  • postpartum depression

Your eating habits during pregnancy have a direct impact on your long-term health and that of your baby. Establishing healthy habits early on and supporting your body with the proper nutrition will provide your baby the best possible start to life.

I can empower you with the tools and knowledge to feel confident in your decisions regarding your body and your baby.