Feeding Your Littles

Your Guide To Starting Solids

Class Description:

Introducing baby to his/her first foods can be really exciting…and really overwhelming too. A quick online search yields a variation of different results, that are confusing, misleading, and not always accurate. You don’t have to battle the uncertainty and doubt of starting solids with your baby in a silo.

Starting solids is a big next step for baby! Embark on this journey with your baby, with confidence and support. This class will give you the education and empowerment you need to introduce whole foods to your baby, and find an eating style that best suits you and your little one.

Whether you choose baby led weaning, purees, or a combination of both, this class will give you the tools and tips you need to build healthy habits for your baby that will last a lifetime.

What You’ll Learn:

·     Getting Started with Solids

·     Signs of Readiness

·     Baby Led Weaning + Purees

·     The First Foods

·     Essential Vitamins + Nutrients

·     Feeding Toddlers

What You’ll Get:

·      mini e book and guide

·      recipes for your toddler

·      educational resources

·      bonus: digital download - physical developmental signs of readiness

The Details:

When is the class?

October 14, 2020

What time is the class?

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

How do I get on the call?

The class is virtual. I will invite you via ZOOM - so you can join from the comfort of your couch!

What is the investment?


This class is for you whether you are pregnant or postpartum. It is never too early or too late to prepare for Baby’s First Foods. If you have any questions at all about how the class works or if it is a good fit for you, just email me below and I’d be happy to chat with you.